Monday, April 16, 2007

Клаудленд Путина

I remember a conversation I had recently with an older chap who'd worked in Foreign Affairs for many years. We were discussing, predictably enough, foreign affairs, and the topic of Putin came up. I was unsure, I told him, of whether Putin was taking Russia forwards or backwards. He assured me there was no doubt that Putin was indeed taking the country forwards.

I'm remain however, unconvinced, and the more reports I read and hear coming out of Russia the more I am sure that if anything, Putin is taking the country backwards.

Most likely, it depends on the angle one looks at the situation. Economically, things are great. Never been better. But from a libertarian angle, it's a growing nightmare.

Just recently there was the destruction of a cultural hertiage site without a permit.
Now the brutal supression of a protest, in which Gary Kasparov was arrested.

There are countless other examples, and the point is clear, I think.

And now they're looking at ammending the law to allow Putin another term.

If Vladimir, son of Vladimir, is indeed taking Russia forward, then to borrow a Ruddism, it's a bridge too far.

Still, I must admit, he does it with style unmatched by any other dictator or leader I've seen.



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