Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Abbott Abbott

Of all the Liberal ministers, I think loathe Abbott the most.

He's even more overtly religious and socially conservative than Howard, and yet he's younger.
So it's even more intolerable.

It certainly defies belief that Howard even gave him the health portfolio in the first place, and it ranks up there as one of his most unforgivable decisions. I realise there are sensitive issues there so analogy doesn't go very far, but keep in mind that this is a democracy, not a theocracy.

And Abbott's arrogance in the face of defeat is really disgusting.
Don't worry Abbott, I'm sure the coalition will be sufficiently 'rewarded' this coming election.

I feel sorry for Jangari- apparently Abbott is his local member. Well at least he's allowed to give his two cents to Abbott directly, so maybe it's not all so bad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He used to frequent the deli where I worked, my bosses both loved him.

I was working on the day of the last federal election, predictably, he came in with his daughter, and all 3 or 4 were wearing the same t-shirt, "Vote 1 Abbot" in a bright green motif.

All I could say was "Well, at least the colour's right".