Monday, May 07, 2007


I was at uni the other day using the printers and photocopiers in the SS&H Library, where I spotted a poster advertising:

"The Great Global Warming Swindle"

I only gave it a cursory glance, but I was honestly dumbfounded as to where it was coming from.
"Find out why Anthropogenic Global Warming is the biggest HOAX of our time, propogated by far-right wing governments and financial institutions" it said.

This...this is just too much. So I googled it and find out the man responsible is Lyndon LaRouche, and (via Wikipedia) LaRouche was sentenced to fifteen years imprisonment in 1988 for conspiracy to commit mail fraud and tax code violations, but continued his political activities from behind bars until his release in 1994 on parole.

A man of great integrity then...

Or maybe just an attention seeking, anti-semetic, hate-preaching Catholic zealot, and a bitter ex-Democrat candidate. That would explain his sermons of hate against both Bush and Al Gore.

"Actually LaRouche has nothing to do with making that movie. Not only is google and incompetant way to research something, but you are obviously not capable of using it. Maybe, you should also try watching the movie, it sounds like you have an almost cult like belief in Global Warming." shrieks Annonymous.

Funny, I don't recall saying he made the film. And I don't recall saying I have a cult-like belief in Global Warming either.

LaRouche was responsible for the posters at my university, or rather the 'Young LaRouche Movement' was. Indeed, LaRouche did not 'direct' the film, that was left up to Martin Durkin, also a man of great integrity it seems, just read his C.V!

  1. "How Do They Do It?" (2006) TV Series (executive producer) (unknown episodes)
  2. "Dr Tatiana's Sex Guide to All Creation" (2005) (mini) TV Series (executive producer)
  3. Secret Intersex (2004) (TV) (executive producer)
  1. The Great Global Warming Swindle (2007) (TV)
  2. "Dr Tatiana's Sex Guide to All Creation" (2005) (mini) TV Series (three episodes)
"Dr Tatiana's Sex Guide to All Creation" (2005) (mini) TV Series

But it was still LaRouche who is promoting the film, and who has his name on the poster at my university.

And, oh, what's this? LaRouche promoting the film on his site?

And lo and behold, an Australian LaRouche Youth Movement 'nailing Gore's Global Warming Swindle'.

And as for my 'cult-like' belief in Global Warming? Well, I don't watch television to educate myself. I do tend to agree, however, with Hans Van Storch, and I'm listening with great interest to what Habibullo Abdussamatov has to say.


Anonymous said...

Actually LaRouche has nothing to do with making that movie. Not only is google and incompetant way to research something, but you are obviously not capable of using it. Maybe, you should also try watching the movie, it sounds like you have an almost cult like belief in Global Warming.

Anonymous said...

If you have not actually seen the channel 4(uk) docco by that name and you want to see it then drop me a line and I'll orginise to burn you a copy.

Cooper said...

Cheers Iain, I do appreciate the gesture, but I think I'll stick to reading for now.