Tuesday, May 08, 2007

A Melting Pot of Sexual Anxiety

It's said that Dracula was written at a time of British sexual anxiety over the Orient.

Well, I was doing some surfing about Libertarianism, which led me onto the Libertarian Society of Australia. From there I got onto A Yobbo's View, and then finally on to Kyungjunyo's Xanga Site.

Well. I can't decide if it's written entirely satirically or if the author is actually genuine.
His basic argument is that interracial relationships are evil. His solution?

I believe that the best solution outside of physical separation is an enormous wealth/technology gap, in our favor, between Asia and the West. That would override any social or interpersonal advantages white (and also black) males have, and it would reverse the current situation, in which Asian males may have some money, but have very little power or social/political influence. Women aren't just into money, they want the status too, and Asian males don't have it. Only by casting the males of other races as losers, via much more wealth and technology, would Asian males be able to bring their women back into the fold.

Right. I don't personally take the view that relationships are quantifiable in terms of money, status and technology.


Satirical site to attract attention, or genuine melting pot of an ethnocentric sexual anxiety?


Well, it's part of a blog ring, and a rather amusing one at that.
The ASIAN WOMAN FOR ASIAN MAN !! blog ring. Check out the manifesto (I've censored the language where needed)...

join this blogring if u are a Race Warrior n u believe interracial dating is just a by word for white f---ers to steal our woman. isn’t it strange that every interracial couple u see its some gorgeous asianhunnie dating a FAT, BLAD, UGLY n SMELLY WHITEF---. THAT IS SO F----NG SEXUAL SLAVERY.JOIN ME IN F---ING BASH TO DEATH EVERY WHITE MOTHERF---ER WHO EVEN LOOKS AT AN ASIAN WOMAN. CRAVE N DESIER FOR AN ASIAN PRISIDENT OF THE WORLD WHO WILL RUN ON THE PLATFORM OF: ASIAN WOMAN FOR ASIAN MAN!!

How charming. I'm pretty sure it must be satirical...right?

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