Monday, April 30, 2007

A Corny Joke

I thought Rudd was smart to select Maxine McKew for Bennelong.

But Nicole Cornes? I'm not so sure. In fact, just reading about her nauseates me.

Firstly, I hate the Sunday Mail. A rag indeed, only discernable from my hometown's Cairns Post by its size. And, upon the basis of this simple enumeration, I'd actually say it's worse.
So she was/is (I rarely read it so I don't know) a columnist for the Sunday Mail.
Not really surprising then that she's also a former Howard voter, which certainly strengthens the argument that Rudd is Howard-lite.

As has become standard practice, Cornes has to be portrayed as an Aussie battler (Matt price puts it beautifully here):
"Nicole left school at 15, is a mother raising two daughters, has run a small business, put herself through university – many South Australians can identify with her." says Deputy Premier Kevin Foley

I was unaware South Australia was a state of 37 year old, high school drop-out, part-time Law student, small business owning mothers of two. But, one learns something new each day.

And then theres the question of her alleged photogenicity.

Now where have I seen that blank, vacant gaze before...

Ah, that's right.

1 comment:

The Sinophile said...

that hilary photo is classic...